How to post to photos

Thu, 02 May 2024

Similar to the previous tutorial about posting to the blog, but this time I'm giving you some tips. First, we need to set the frontmatter. We need to set up the cover and the thumbnail.

layout: main/post-photos.html
title: Daun
description: hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc hendrerit ultrices lectus, sed facilisis nisi lacinia quis.
keyword: Habitase, dictumst
    - url: /asset/photos/daun.webp
    - url: /asset/photos/daun.webp
thumbnail: /asset/photos/thumbnail/daun.webp
date: 2024-04-21
tags: Tumbuhan

Use Squoosh to convert and compress your images to webp. It's better for performance, trust me.

Put the real images in the /asset/photos/ directory. You can post 2 or more photos in the cover that will show in a carousel. Next, you need to scale the images to a maximum width of 300px, and still use webp. Put them into /asset/photos/thumbnail.

The cover will show in the post, and the thumbnail will show in the index.

Just like that